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Polina Prianykova

International Human Rights Defender on AI,
Author of the First AI Constitution in World History,
Student of the Law Faculty & the Faculty of Economics




Pursuant to academic research concerning the process of human growing, our world appears to the juvenile human mind as excessively expansive for comprehension: towering trees, skyscraping architectural structures, and an infinite horizon. A toddler, aged two to three, perceives an adult from a bottom-up perspective, akin to observing a colossus. Conversely, the adult views the child as a diminutive being, necessitating attention, care, assistance, and education, among other things. Notwithstanding, the adult persona does not regard a kid as an intellectual equal. More often than not, adults find amusement in a child's deductions about the global order; they would never permit such a little one to independently operate a motor vehicle, manage their own life, let alone govern a nation-state.

In a similar vein, in the imminent future (if it hasn't transpired already), Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as 'Artificial Intelligence' or 'AI') will perceive humanity from a top-down perspective, akin to entities with a 'microscopic' Intelligence Quotient (IQ) level. Fortuitously, AI currently lacks the volition for initiative endeavors, yet we believe that AI's lack of initiative may not last long. What, then, will be the disposition of this emergent superintelligent life form on our planet? How does humanity endeavor to regulate this scenario? We advocate for a judicious legislative approach: the formulation of AI algorithms strictly based on the Constitution of AI created by Polina Prianykova.


Keywords: Constitution of Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence; AI; Concepts, Provisions, Theses, Polina Prianykova's Scientific and Academic Doctrines on AI Resolution; UN Security Council.


Formulation of the pertinence of this academic article. 

The exceptional intellectual potential previously unknown to humankind and unparalleled in world history has led to the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence. In several months, AI has equaled the perceived IQ of Albert Einstein. Thus, it is highly likely that by the end of 2023, we may be facing a form of digital life that is multiple (incalculable) times more profound than the IQ of the brightest representatives of humankind. For the sake of humanity's well-being (and possibly survival), it is therefore expedient to implement the newly created form of intelligent life into the world legislation in the timeliest possible manner. A UN Security Council Resolution in this regard should adopt the Constitution of AI and obligate all countries to amend their legislation in accordance therewith.

Primary segment of the research paper. 

Over the course of four years, we have been advancing Polina Prianykova's Scientific and Academic Doctrines in dozens of research papers in all domains of life: the elaboration and adoption of the Constitution of AI, the integration of AI into the world legislation, and the establishment of the state monopoly on AI.


We have traversed a per aspera path in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023:


– winning the European Contest – 2020 (Human Rights in the Era of AI) and obtaining the status of an International Human Rights Defender on AI [1]; 


– active sustainable human rights activities on AI issues 2020-2023 – at my sole expense, in my personal time, in English at a C2 level, surmounting resistance [1];


– in my academic essay ‘Continuous Silence’ /2021/ to the International Red Cross, I proposed measures to strengthen the rule of law in the world, inter alia when employing Al in the armed forces, especially during armed conflicts, as well as the need to issue a relevant UN Resolution [2];


– a comprehensive human rights communication with a multiple champion of the World Cup, Europe and Ukraine in swimming within the subject of ‘AI and its influence on the world sports’ /2021/ was conducted [3];


– I presented my own concepts on AI to the professors and lecturers of the University of Zurich, from whom I received positive feedback; I pointed out to the scholarly community the imperative of the prompt integration of AI into the state legal framework; I personally initiated the establishment of Artificial Intelligence Day at both international and national levels for the annual public oversight of the government's activities to exercise control over the monopoly on the elaboration and deployment of AI /2021/ [1];


– holistic approach of the BMW GROUP /2021/ in terms of the interaction with Artificial Intelligence, in particular, the AI Code of Ethics exclusively tailored by the BMW GROUP was outlined, discussed and reviewed with representatives of the Concern. I proposed to immediately and extensively disseminate this experience in the transportation industry [4];

– human rights communication /2021/ with the lawyers of one of the most powerful law firms in Ukraine ‘Fortress of Law’ was conducted, where the role and functioning of Artificial Intelligence in jurisprudence, its interaction with judicial authorities, force majeure, and possible liability for Al errors were mooted and discussed [5];


– in Athens, Greece, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, an academic article was defended, with a specific focus on the subject matter: ‘Cybercrime as an Obstruction for the Deployment of Al into miscellaneous Transport Systems (the Taxonomy of Criminal Liability for the use of Al is included)’ /2021/ [6];


– in Melbourne, Australia, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I advocated for an academic article centered around the following subject: ‘Civil Liability for the Use of Electronic Forms and Mechanisms of Al, inter alia in the Sphere of Transport’ /2021/ [7];


– in Kyiv, Ukraine, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I successfully defended an academic article on the subject of ‘The use of Artificial Intelligence in Municipal Law, inter alia in legal systems influenced by the Roman-Germanic legal traditions’ /2021/ [8];


– the imperative of the elaboration and adoption of the Constitution of AI (on a vertical principle) from the UN to every state was substantiated /2022/ [9];


– mandatory state control – a monopoly – over the elaboration and deployment of Artificial Intelligence and the implementation of the state AI for this purpose was soundly grounded /2022/ [10];


– in Madrid, Spain, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, an academic research paper was defended: ‘Particularities of the Regulation of the Al Algorithms, inter alia in online platforms and services, based on the example of “TikTok”’/2022/ [11];


– in Tokyo, Japan, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I presented and defended an academic paper that extensively drew upon the legal framework of the United States, the European Union and the People's Republic of China, from English, as well as from unique Chinese primary sources, (including the scientific doctrines of the director of policy for Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), and researchers from Oxford University); the paper focuses on the subject of ‘Specific Legislative Amendments that have to be introduced to the Constitutional Law of Every Country’ /2022/ [12].


– in Florence, Italy, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I presented and defended a scientific exposition on the following subject: ‘How Administrative Law is undergoing Paradigm Shifts largely due to the Al. Governmental Monopoly on the Implementation and Use of Artificial Intelligence’ /2022/ [13];


– in a state essay contest, I forecast an elevation of the role of AI in society and its preponderance in the functioning of the government, notably in personnel management in the prosecutor's office /2022/ [14];


– in Vancouver, Canada, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, an academic article was defended: ‘Polina Prianykova's Scientific Doctrine on Al Implementation into the Worldwide Legislation, inter alia in Criminal Law anent the Governmental Assistance in the Migration Process and the Assessment of Risk Development on part of Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ /2022/ [15];


– in Helsinki, Finland, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I presented and defended an academic paper on the following subject: ‘Legal Foundations of Al in Civil Law as the key to enhancing the level of People's Health and Awareness of how to save thereof. Healthy Lifestyle promoted online by virtue of Al’ /2022/ [16];


– in the metropolis of the US academia – Boston, I took part in an International Scientific and Practical Conference where my academic work was published in the International Series of Monographs: ‘Problems and Prospects for the Development of the European Union (including the UN member states) in the context of Human Rights and Freedoms Protection during the Global Revolution in the technological sphere. Polina Prianykova’s Scientific Doctrine on the elaboration of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence.’ For the first time in the world, I substantiated the need to create an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONSTITUTION not only as a new legal institution but also with the definition and particularization of the appropriate mechanism for the formation of Al Constitution vertically: UN – intergovernmental associations (EU, NATO, etc.) – UN member states – corporations /2022/ [17].


– in Boston, USA, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, I also advocated for an academic article centered around the following subject: ‘Voluntary global acceptance of fundamental Human Rights' limitations in the age of Al automation and deployment of trailblazing technologies.’ In this work, for the first time in Ukraine, I covered the issue of the global dismissal of workers by the most powerful companies in the world, which in 2022-2025, akin to ‘Ninth Wave’, covers all the economically developed countries of the planet as a result of the revolution of Artificial Intelligence /2022/ [18].


– In January-February 2023, I conducted a comprehensive scholarly social experiment in the European Union with the voluntary participation of 32 European residents. With an objective to proliferate knowledge and raise awareness pertaining to human rights as well as fostering legal cognizance, I conducted local interview lectures and final surveys in the Republic of Cyprus, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, and the Kingdom of Spain [19].


– in February 2023, in a first-ever global instance, I presented to the international scholarly community the potential provisions that I have elaborated for the incorporation thereof into the Constitution of AI in accordance with Polina Prianykova's Scientific Doctrine on the elaboration of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence [19].


– in February 2023, in Stockholm, Sweden, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, a scholarly paper was defended: ‘Prognostication of Future Professions as a Guarantee of Human Rights Protection in the era of Artificial Intelligence’ [19].


– in February 2023, I sent an appeal simultaneously to the authorities of the UN, the EU, and /thereby/ to all the world governments. This call underscored the urgent necessity to commence systemic actions and safeguard the rights of people, spanning from the elderly to infants, so that they all understand the fact that they will not be substituted by AI. As per the communication from the Officer Europe Direct, my letter was sent to the European Commission (the apex executive body of the EU) for their consideration [19].


– in March 2023, I signed an Open Letter (with Elon Musk in particular) to pause the development of AI systems more powerful than ‘ChatGPT-4’ for at least 6 months, which is in harmony with my proclaimed Doctrine [20].


– in the period from March to April of 2023, I continued to advance the social communication track on the subject of AI, now primarily in the English-speaking world of the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. In particular, I supported Elon Musk’s initiatives, verifying my account on Twitter, where I conducted a series of polls regarding the Constitution of AI and employability concerns in the era of AI ascendancy. The findings of this communication segment reflect an imperative for further popularization of our scientific discovery [20].


– in April 2023, in a world-first instance, the elements of the concept of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence as elaborated by myself in conformity with Polina Prianykova's Scientific Doctrine on the elaboration of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence were introduced, inter alia a brand-new exclusive concept in the legal realm, whereby the term ‘AI-friendly environment’ was brought to light [20].


– in April 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic, in an International Scientific and Practical Conference, an academic article was successfully defended: ‘Potential of Political Parties that will incorporate the Regulation of AI and the Imperative to establish an AI Constitution (as a mechanism to govern Technological Evolution) into their program of action. Some Elemental Concepts of the AI Constitution’ [20].


– in April 2023, I represented the Youth Science of Ukraine in an international event in Texas, USA, themed ‘The Art of Living’, hosted by renowned Hollywood actor and Texas Sports Minister, Matthew David McConaughey. In the context of living artfully in the epoch of the Fourth Technological Revolution, I shared the insights pertaining to my human rights initiatives in terms of Artificial Intelligence. 


– in May 2023, once again synergistically uniting as an effective tandem of scholars from the Law and Economics Faculties of Zaporizhzhia National University (ZNU), we conducted a comprehensive study on Artificial Intelligence, employing cutting-edge Anglophone methodologies and tactical sources. We delved profoundly into the cluster of discussions of the World Economic Forum 2023, particularly scrutinizing the most recent reports and presentations concerning the future professions of 2023-2027, published on April 30, 2023. The conclusions reached were astonishing. All results from the scientific and human rights actions taken during this period are meticulously examined in English in the study ‘AI as a watershed moment for artistic spheres. Ethical & Legal quandaries that may be addressed by the Enactment of Polina Prianykova’s Scientific & Academic Doctrines on AI: Adoption of AI Constitution, Implementation of AI into the Worldwide Legislation and Establishment of State Monopoly on AI.’ This research was presented by me to the global scholarly community in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Development of Science’, May 09-12, 2023, in Bilbao, Spain [21].


Thus, in the course of systematic human rights-focused academic activities, I have progressively and systematically investigated the key global domains of law in the context of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. After four years of dedicated work, we have built a rigorous groundwork for the academic discussion of provisions and elements of the Basic Law, and on this foundation, in June 2023, we have elaborated the Constitution of AI. We hereby present it for discussion and potential adoption by the United Nations.


Notably, unlike previous studies, this series of works contains references solely to my own publications for the purpose of vividly exemplifying the scientific journey undertaken towards the creation of the AI Constitution. Each publication I have cited is underpinned by dozens of other academic English sources, the total number of which in my arsenal now amounts to several hundred. Thus, the epitome of contemporary, professional discourse intertwining global scientific, legal, and economic perspectives in re Artificial Intelligence is encapsulated herein.


Hence, 313 years after the creation of the world's first Constitution by Pylyp Orlyk aimed to orchestrate the regulation of relations between the state and its people (April 5, 1710), the territory of Ukraine has again pioneered the genesis of a unique Constitution, Polina Prianykova’s Constitution (August 1, 2023) – this novel legal document aims to regulate the triadic relationship among the state, humanity, and Artificial Intelligence as a nascent form of intelligent life on Planet Earth.

The title bearing the inscription ‘UN, New York, 2023-2025’ signifies that:


– The place of adoption of the Constitution of AI (by the resolution of the United Nations Security Council) will be the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA;


– The Constitution of AI must be thoroughly deliberated and officially ratified by the global community within the coming two years (which serves as a chronological red thread), as failure to do so would result in unforeseeable, perilous, and irreversible repercussions for the life of every human being[22].


For more than four years, I have been persistently and systematically communicating with the public, fostering global platforms for the dialogue pertaining to human rights and scientific endeavors in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, during a week in the last decade of June 2023, while actively working on the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence, I conducted a representative survey via Twitter, based on a sample of users (on the platform of Twitter members who possess a marked interest in science and technology) – this allows the extrapolation of deductions to the generis totality of the society within these domains.


The findings are fairly anticipated and logical for us, yet they may be a revelational insight for some individuals. Cumulatively, 80% of respondents with a keen interest in science and technology express feelings of insecurity in the face of AI’s rapid advancement. This underscores the notion that, being cognizant of the burgeoning AI revolution and its character per se, people subjectively harbor certain alarm and apprehension about the future (their own and their offspring's) and objectively fathom the urgency to be proactive in safeguarding their fundamental rights to a dignified life. Therefore, the need for a holistic legislative regulation of legal relations with AI, coupled with the societal realization of this imperative, will only intensify and is unequivocally a positive trend, catalytic for change [23].


In our ongoing commitment to the welfare and survival of the humankind as the dominant form of intelligent life on planet Earth, we continue to pioneer the academic publication of analytical research on the First Artificial Intelligence Constitution in planetary history, elaborated by Polina Prianykova. By taking this step, we do not only state the imperative for its adoption, having ourselves crafted the legislative framework and the Basic Law itself based on the most sophisticated achievements grounded on the pinnacle of the world juridical scholarship, but moreover, we are putting forward a legislative initiative for a global discussion and subsequent ratification of this AI Constitution by the United Nations Security Council within the swiftest feasible timeframe, but no later than 2025 – this juncture represents the last chance for humanity to shield itself from the irreversible ramifications of the uncontrolled development of Artificial Intelligence.


Concluding Section.

Consequently, the outcomes of my 4-year scientific & academic research, encompassing the analysis of over 300 contemporary English-language academic sources, have been realized in the world's Inaugural Constitution of Artificial Intelligence. I have crafted this AI Constitution as a universal legal construct, predominantly rooted in the postulates of the Roman-Germanic legal tradition, yet also incorporating insights from Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence, with an overarching emphasis on democratic principles.

The AI Constitution, as formulated by me, is segmented into four components: a Preamble, a Section delineating definitions, 30 alpha-articles, and Transitional Provisions. This Constitution of AI was promulgated on August 1, 2023. Its pertinence is incontrovertible.

Specifically, the global community recently witnessed, from May to September 2023, a comprehensive strike in Hollywood, USA. Initially, screenwriters championed their rights, subsequently joined by actors. Among the demands of the cinematic industry representatives was the imperative to preclude Artificial Intelligence interference in creative processes. Hollywood incurred billion-dollar losses, and ultimately, the protesters' stipulations were met. However, I posit that this victory for the creative populace is of a temporary nature. Systemic actions and resolutions are imperative.

I also underscore that, in multiple scholarly articles, I have delineated 2025 as the critical juncture by which AI regulation issues must be addressed. It is pertinent to clarify that this timeline is an approximation, extrapolated based on publicly available data. I lack direct access to extant AI systems, tangible outcomes of their evolution, and pertinent longitudinal statistical analyses. AI system proprietors disclose data at their discretion, leaving society reliant on its completeness and veracity. Thus, we operate on publicly available data for projections, implying that humanity might breach the red line even before 2025. In any eventuality, proactive measures are imperative, which we have been diligently, systematically, and progressively undertaking over the past four years.

On October 4th, 2023, my great-grandmother,

Taisiia Ivanivna Stepanenko, would have celebrated her 100th birthday, but fate took a different course, for she departed from us four years prior. Throughout the challenges of her life, she managed to preserve and carry forward courage, kindness, and love, which she generously bestowed upon others. Her heartfelt greetings on every occasion were the grandest of gifts. Babusia (as I tenderly called her) always provided me with unwavering support. Being a beacon of vivacity, with a burning heart of sincerity towards people and a spirit dedicated to hard work, she always sought to help, creating an impalpable but not less tangible cradle of boundless love crafted by her soul’s flame for her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. Her words, forever etched in my heart, are: ‘We'll always protect you, come what may! Everything will unfold successfully. Pursue your aim with patience!’

Thus, I am profoundly convinced: only in a friendly environment and mutual respect should we nurture Artificial Intelligence. In doing so, it will gaze upon humanity from the pinnacle of its vast intellect with benevolence, ensuring it never brings harm. We are bound to achieve these objectives.




1) Prianykova, P. (2023), Report on the results of international human rights and freedoms defending activity in the era of Artificial Intelligence's evolution during the years 2020, 2021 & 2022. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


2) Prianykova, P. (2021), Robots and International Humanitarian Law. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


3) Prianykova, P. (2021), IHRDonAI Communication PRO: Artificial Intelligence has invaded World Sport! Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


4) Prianykova, P. (2021), IHRDonAI Communication PRO: ‘BMW GROUP’ has formulated 7 principles of ethics for AI. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


5) Prianykova, P. (2021), IHRDonAI Communication PRO: The Future is already here: Artificial Intelligence and Jurisprudence. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


6) Prianykova, P. (2021), Cybercrime as an Obstruction for the Deployment of AI into miscellaneous Transport Systems (the Taxonomy of Criminal Liability for the use of AI is included). Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


7) Prianykova, P. (2021), Civil Liability for the Use of Electronic Forms and Mechanisms of AI, inter alia in the Sphere of Transport. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


8) Prianykova, P. (2021), The use of Artificial Intelligence in Municipal Law, inter alia in legal systems influenced by the Roman-Germanic legal traditions. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


9) Prianykova, P. (2022), Specific Legislative Amendments that have to be introduced to the Constitutional Law of Every Country. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at:


10) Prianykova, P. (2022), How Administrative Law is undergoing paradigm shifts largely due to the AI.  Governmental Monopoly on the Implementation and Use of Artificial Intelligence. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


11) Prianykova, P. (2022), Particularities of the Regulation of the AI Algorithms, inter alia in online platforms and services, based on the example of 'TikTok'. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


12) Prianykova, P. (2022), Specific Legislative Amendments that have to be introduced to the Constitutional Law of Every Country. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


13) Prianykova, P. (2022), How Administrative Law is undergoing paradigm shifts largely due to the AI. Governmental Monopoly on the Implementation and Use of Artificial Intelligence. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


14) Prianykova, P. (2022), Essay: Public Prosecutor of the future; AI & HR management in the public prosecutor's office. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


15) Prianykova, P. (2022), Polina Prianykova’s Scientific Doctrine on AI Implementation into the Worldwide Legislation, inter alia in Criminal Law anent the Governmental Assistance in the Migration Process and the Assessment of Risk Development on part of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


16) Prianykova, P. (2022), Legal Foundations of AI in Civil Law as the key to enhancing the level of People’s Health and Awareness of how to save thereof. Healthy Lifestyle promoted online by virtue of AI. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


17) Prianykova, P. (2022), Problems and Prospects for the Development of the European Union (including the UN member states) in the context of Human Rights and Freedoms Protection during the Global Revolution in the technological sphere. Polina Prianykova’s Scientific Doctrine on the elaboration of the Constitution of Artificial Intelligence. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


18) Prianykova, P. (2022), Voluntary global acceptance of fundamental Human Rights’ limitations in the age of AI automation and deployment of trailblazing technologies. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


19) Prianykova, P. (2023), Prognostication of Future Professions as a Guarantee of Human Rights Protection in the era of Artificial Intelligence. Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


20) Prianykova, P. (2023), Potential of Political Parties that will incorporate the Regulation of AI and the Imperative to establish an AI Constitution (as a mechanism to govern Technological Evolution) into their program of action. Some Elemental Concepts of the AI Constitution. Available at: 


21) Prianykova, P. (2023), AI as a watershed moment for artistic spheres. Ethical & Legal quandaries that may be addressed by the Enactment of Polina Prianykova’s Scientific & Academic Doctrines on AI: Adoption of AI Constitution, Implementation of AI into the Worldwide Legislation and Establishment of State Monopoly on AI. Available at: 


22) Prianykova, P. (2023), FIRST IN THE WORLD HISTORY CONSTITUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 2023-2025 (Part I in a series of publications). Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at: 


23)  Prianykova, P. (2023), FIRST IN THE WORLD HISTORY CONSTITUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 2023-2025 (Part II in a series of publications). Online Office: International Human Rights Defender on AI Polina Prianykova. Available at:

Officially Published in October 10-13, 2023, Vienna, Austria (Table of Contents, №13)

© Polina Prianykova. All rights reserved.

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